I know what you’re thinking, how traveling is educative when we have internet duh! Some of you might be wondering, I am graduated, does that mean I am uneducated if I haven’t travelled? Well to know more scroll down!
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page”-Saint Augustine
I truly believe in one thing, travel teaches things that simply can’t be learned in a classroom. You may be a degree-holder from a university, but there’s always more to learn. Although you can virtually visit any destination via internet, but you can’t smell marijuana in the air, like in Amsterdam or feel the chill of snow claded mountains in Switzerland unless you travel.
Here are seven things which you will definitely learn while traveling:
1.Learn a new language:
I am not saying that you will get fluent in a particular language, but I promise, that you will learn some phrases, jargons or accent when you travel to a place which has a different language than yours. And trust me when you speak to a native in their local langauge, he/she will be more welcoming and will surely edify your vocabulary in their mother tongue.
2.Learn cultural difference or similarity:
- Get ready to get a lot of cultural shocks especially when you travel from one continent to another. I still get cultural shocks every time I visit my home country (India). Talking about cultural difference, do you know tipping a waiter in America is mandatory (10% of the bill) whereas, in Hong kong and Switzerland gratuity is considered rude. Cultural similarity around the world is mostly the same, as love for art and music.I think we should celebrate cultural similarities rather than focus on cultural differences.
3.Dig into history:
- When you stroll through the streets and visit museums, palaces and galleries the nation’s history come out right in front of you, it’s like watching your favorite movie in 3D.
4.Learn about yourself:
- When you’re traveling out of your comfort zone like hiking, camping or when things don’t go according to the plan, that is when you realize what your true self is. Are you really that motivated or fearless as you thought while watching, “I shouldn’t be alive” on television or you’re someone better than you thought, see yourself getting revealed in front of you? Now, what better way to learn about yourself than self-realization isn’t it?
5. Traveling makes you social:
Are you an introvert? Don’t worry, so was I. Traveling has surely made me an ambivert if not an extrovert. Not only that, I love meeting and talking to new people. It might just start with small interactions like enquiring about the directions or ordering your food, but slowly it will teach you that more you converse with people more you learn about life.
6.Trying new cuisine while traveling:
A country’s food tells you a lot about their culture, while travelling you not only discover new foods but also the way they are to be served and eaten. Food also helps you meet new people, it’s always cool to strike up a conversation with a stranger about the dessert or the wine they are having. Going to a new country and trying new dishes and experiencing new flavour means you get to come home with so many things to try in your kitchen.
7.Prepare us for challenges:
How many times have you planned something and didn’t go that way? I am sure many. Traveling prepares us for challenges or unplanned adventures. It does teach us to react and not to respond in any situation. Taking us out of our comfort zone, teaching us how to deal with a new environment, challenging us to get off our phone and actively seek out a new experience.
Traveling rekindles the thirst for learning that we once had as a child. It is a never-ending learning experience. A love for traveling can make life seem a whole lot more beautiful. Don’t wait just go and book your next trip and travel the world.
If you wanna know about common mistakes people make while traveling then check my blog here
-Travel Nerd Story-